This was my travel blog, during my semi-recent around the world vacation.
I was traveling by myself.
This blog was my only friend.
The posts are long.
Editing was non-existent.
There is some interesting stuff in here.
And there is a lot of crap.
There might even be some mean things in there that should not really be published on the internet.
It was my intention, to clean it up when I got home, but that never happened.
So I made the blog private because I was embarrassed.
I can't even remember exactly what's in this blog, and I'm sure if I went back and read it I'd be horrified.
But whatever.
I had a few people ask what happened to it.
And again... like whatever.
It was me, then.
It's in the past now.
It may or may not reflect who I am today.
But that's ok.
So here it is, once again, for your enjoyment.
Just please, don't be too harsh on me and remember this blog was penned in a semi-fragile state of mind.