omg.. that felt like the longest flight ever and I'm not even all the way there yet! I forgot about this hidden stop in Hong Kong (direct, but not non-stop, argh). It's not like my STA itinerary actually gives me any information :/ but I think that was just a 14 or 15 hour flight. I got on the plane, had a drink, ate, took half a pill, passed out for a while, woke up and thought like, "ok, for sure we are at least half way there," and then flight map thing said 8 hours left to go. ugh. It was rough and I was not adequately prepared. Not enough trashy magazines and too much time to think.
I did watch a super cute movie though called, Whip it, I think. It's the Drew Barrymore movie with Juliette Lewis about roller derby. So rad. Made me think that maybe I should try roller derby, lol. Then I read a short story that was really depressing about a couple losing a baby and their marriage falling apart. I felt all happy, sad, sleepy, confused, uncomfortable. Not cool. Kind of an emotional train wreck actually.
But, I did end up sitting next to the two cutest boys on the plane and they were very nice and friendly and we chatted the whole way and now we are all best friends. So that was pretty cool. Although, I'm already forgetting their names, cause I suck at names. Patrick and ... ??? I don't know. I don't even really know what day or time it is. The last 24 hours feel like an absolute blur, like did any of that even really happen?! For the last 6 hours of the flight I really just wanted to be back home in my bed.
But I did finally make it to Hong Kong. And I do love the HKG airport! It's so clean and quiet and has free wifi. I could totally curl up right here on the floor and go to sleep.
(p.s. and United sucks. Every time I fly United I feel like I can't believe how rude the flight attendants are and how much their planes suck. the food was horrible. standard. and there weren't even seat back monitor things, on a 14 hour flight, wtf?! and the flight was completely full, not one empty seat. thankfully I had the aisle and good people to sit next to!)
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