Tuesday, July 12, 2011

home sweet home!

It took about 18 hours sitting in an airplane seat and another 10 hours in transit to get home from Australia. It was a great trip, but I'm so so happy to be home. It's the little things that I'm appreciating most like taking a nice long shower, sleeping in my own super comfortable bed and eating a delicious peach for breakfast. It really makes me realize how freaking great life is for me here in San Francisco.
Coming home after being gone for 3 weeks also sort of gives me the opportunity to press the reset button on life a little bit. I can't wait to get back into a regular yoga practice and routine. I want to try to cook more meals at home, and actually eat breakfast in the morning instead of just drinking coffee. I'm hoping to start back up into a little bit more of a healthy lifestyle as I get back into the swing of things here at home.
Thanks for reading my blog and following along with me on this latest trip to Australia. Much love <3!!!

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