That's some serious lolz! That is the motto that popped up on the screen after the safety video on my Egypt Air flight from Cairo to Geneva. Man, I have never seen flies on an airplane before but this flight had them. I was wondering how the hell it got in there, but then again, we did just board from the tarmac. At least this flight wasn't full and there weren't a bunch of kids around me. On instead of kids, this time, I had this fat French man across from me, who seemed to be choking during the meal. He kept coughing these awful gurggely coughs and yet he continued to shovel food in his mouth until everything but the green things on his tray were gone. I wanted to offer him some water but all I could do was turn away in utter disgust. Yuck. I read, I think in my guide book somewhere, that in Egypt you should excuse your self to blow your nose and do it in private because it grosses them out. And ever since I read that I can't help to also be totally grossed out whenever anyone blows their nose or is coughing or sneezing around me. I really just don't want to get sick. And hey, I made it out of Egypt without feeling sick once. Remind me to never fly Egypt Air again. Their planes are so old and nasty. The ashtrays on the arm rests are just filled with filth and hair, which is also in the crevices of everything. And at the end of the flight the flight attendant totally reeked of cigarette smoke. I think she must have lit up in the bathroom during the flight.
Oh, also, right before we boarded the plane in Cairo I saw a guy have a full on seizure. He was flopping around like a fish, eyes all rolled back in his head and everything. It was pretty unsettling. He must have been diabetic because the people around him weren't really freaking out and just went and got some sodas and stuff. I was just really glad it didn't happen on the plane.
I just saw on SFGate that a plane flying from Bangkok to Phuket crashed in the rain and like 100 people might be dead. Great! I'm supposed to fly that same route in like 4 days, but on another airline. That is a little freaky. And I'm kinda bummed it's pouring rain in Thailand. I'll need to check the weather. But if you see that on the news, don't freak out, I wasn't on that plane or anything.
Just sitting in the airport in Geneva right now waiting for my flight to London. The Geneva airport is pretty small and crappy. I'm temped to buy some Swiss chocolate, but I'm going to see how long I can hold out. Maybe I'll see if I can post some Egypt pics while I wait.
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Good post.
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