Well, I woke up this morning with the worst stomach cramps I’ve ever had. So I didn’t go to the museum or take the hour drive to the waterfalls. Instead I just stayed in bed until about 1pm. I started feeling better and walked down to the main street into town. Hit up the internet and bought a pumpkin cake thing. It’s the only think I’ve eaten all day, because my stomach still doesn’t feel right. Tonight I went to the night market and bought some tee shirts and some little crap. I started to feel a little sick again, so I left Anne and just walked back to our guest house. It was dark and there are no street lights and our guest house is like about 2 blocks from the main road. So I’m walking by myself and these guys pull up beside me on a motor scooter thing. They say something to me, but I don’t know what their talking about so I just keep walking. They watch me turn the corner, and then they drive by me and turn into the driveway of my guest house. I thought maybe they lived or worked there, so as I’m walking down the driveway I smile and them and one of them hops of the scooter and pretends to be messing with the garden hose. Then he sort of jumps at me and tries to steal my bag, which I have over my shoulder. There was no way in hell he was getting my bag. I could have easily killed both of them. They were only about as big as me, and one was still on the scooter. So I yank back, and one of the straps breaks and my little wallet, with just some Lao money in it flies in the bushes. They guy acts like he is going to go after it and I act like I’m about to punch him in the face, which I was totally going to do. I think that I yelled at him to fuck off, or something and he ran away, hopped on the scooter and they were gone. I think he was more scared of me than I was of him. They don’t usually yell or shout too much in Buddhist cultures. And I seriously lunged at this guy, and I almost wish I had gotten to punch him in the face. Anyway, The guy from the guest house came running out and I asked him to get a flashlight and we found my little wallet thing. He didn’t understand right away what had happened, and so I tried to explain that they were trying to steal my bag, and then he was like, “Oh, that’s very bad. You’re all by yourself?” Like I wasn’t supposed to be by myself or something. But nobody told me to be extra careful, and I hadn’t read anything about having to be in a group at night or anything like that. And it was maybe only like 7pm but it is really dark because they don’t have any street lights or anything except on the main street. I’m used to walking around by myself all over the place, including Oakland, which has to be way more dangerous than here.
Man, fuck Laos. JK. I know that’s not fair to say, but I’ve had nothing but bad luck since I got here. I know it could always be worse. It would have been horrible if he had gotten away with my bag. It had my atm card credit card, camera, cell phone, a bunch of cash, in different places, but in the same bag. Stupid of me, I guess. But yeah right, there was no freakin’ way he was getting away with my bag!
And on another note, I found out that the President of our company dropped by my office while I was gone and nobody knew he was coming and didn’t know who he was when he got there. Ugh! I’m sure the place was a mess. I hope I have a job to come home to!
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