www.thelostspring.co.nz This place was awesome! New Zealand is full of geothermal activity which can create amazing mineral pools and geysers that spout fizzy soda water and all kinds of cool stuff. The story of the Lost Spring is that back in 1988 a man named Alan Hopping started digging on his property and tapped into a thermal mineral spring and figured out how to draw out that water from about 644m down. He worked for 20 years digging and building a series of pools and coves and hanging bridges and eventually a little resort/spa/restaurant.
The place just opened this last December and it is so sweet! You follow this path up a hill and the hottest pools are at the top.
And they are hot like hot tub hot but big like a pool. (And there is also pool side service and a full bar!) The water has a high concentration of minerals and it's really good for your skin (probably not so good for your hair).
When you can't stand the hot pool anymore you can walk down a bit to a bigger, cooler pool. And that pool also has little corners and hot spots and you can swim into a little cave grotto thing where there are amethyst all lit up.
It's like $15(NZD) for an hour, but I don't think they actually have a way of monitoring how long you are in there sooooo. And it was seriously like the best thing ever after a long day!
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