Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day ...?

I don't even know what day it is. I guess that's when you are officially on vacation.
Today we went to the Louvre. We only spent a few hours in there and I'm sure we only saw a fraction of all that there is to see, but that was enough. And it was pretty spectacular!

Then we went in search of Domaine de Lintillae which is a little restaurant that serves fresh food (duck mainly) from their farm. We went there to stock up on foie gras for Kelley's friend in anticipation of it's impending ban in California, which the man working in the restaurant said was "ridiculous".

After that we back tracked to this really cute chocolate shop and I went a lil crazy in there. I figure that's all the shopping I'm really going to do on this trip.

Loaded down with foie gras and chocolate we made our way back to our hotel to relax for a spell before we go meet up with Laurent for happy hour/dinner.
The sun was out today and it's been pretty hot, which is nice but also adds to the exhaustion factor. But we are holding up. Kelley is definitely not one to waste any time just sitting around but we did sleep in this morning which was good.
My birthday is tomorrow (I think, lol) and I'm definitely feeling my age in my left knee. But other than that I feel I'm as young and as much of a child as ever :P

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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