Friday, September 28, 2007

ugh... the sickness

I have so much to post but it's all on my lap top and there isn't wifi.
But let me just say that I made it to Luang Prabeng, and so far it seems cool, except I spent the whole morning in bed because I thought I was going to die of stomach cramps. Ok, well, not die, but I was seriously in pain. I've never had cramps that bad. Like once a minute for 2 hours, it was like the worst stomach pain possible. I'm feeling a little better now. It's only like once every 15 minutes or so. Still not cool. I know I need to drink stuff but I'm really afraid to eat anything. Oh well.
Hopefully, I'll get to post the other stuff soon.

1 comment:

kat said...

Hope you feel better:)