Monday, August 24, 2009

so dramatic, lol

I survived the trip home, no worries. (I luv that dramatic, I'm going to die last blog entry. the sick mind is not a rational mind. and they say that misery expressed is misery diminished, so...) But yeah, I got home yesterday. My mom was in town to pick me up, which was awesome! Especially since I wasn't feeling well, and the tire got slashed on my car while I was gone. So we got that all sorted out, with Eric and Jessica's help. And then she stayed for an extra day and helped me do laundry and go grocery shopping and deal with more car stuff. It was super nice. It's always good to have your mom there when you are feeling sick. I do feel better today but my ears are still all plugged up so it sounds like I'm underwater. And I feel a little out if it, jet lagged, a bit like an underwater zombie, I guess. But I'm managing OK. It feels good to be home, that's for sure. No place can ever quite compare to home. San Francisco is as good as it gets, I think. We have the best of everything. I feel so spoiled. I mean, I know I am... big time!
I have a few more pics from the last bit of my NZ trip. I had so much fun. It was all really amazing. And I feel like I've come home with a new appreciation for everything that I have living here in California and in SF. I am so grateful for everything!
I'll post a couple more entries with the last of the pics :)
And thanks to everyone who read my blog! I hope you enjoyed it.
New Zealand was a beautiful and amazing place and if you ever get the chance to go there you should do it!

1 comment:

liz. said...

"misery expressed is misery diminished"

way to let the feelings come and go on their own <3